About a week ago a real Russian winter came to our land. It is -16 dergees by Celsium (means 3,2 degrees by Fahrenheit). I`m not a kind of person who adores cold weather, but I think I couldn`t ever live in the place where is always warm. In summer I really miss winter, and in winter I really miss summer.
I`m spending my vacations in Dubna, and here are photos from my walk.

On the bank of the Volga river.

Ice is beautifully glowing - like brilliants.

Crunching snow.

Cheeks are burned by cold, hair covered with ice - this is real winter!

Lonely fisherman.

Another lonely fisherman.

A hole in the ice with steam coming out of it.
I`m spending my vacations in Dubna, and here are photos from my walk.
On the bank of the Volga river.
Ice is beautifully glowing - like brilliants.
Crunching snow.
Cheeks are burned by cold, hair covered with ice - this is real winter!
Lonely fisherman.
Another lonely fisherman.
A hole in the ice with steam coming out of it.