вторник, 31 июля 2012 г.

weird video

Some time ago I spent wonderful evening with beloved! We meet all together so rarely! I love you girls <3


And this is occasional video, just wrong button on the phone. I talk so strange there :)!

понедельник, 30 июля 2012 г.


Sports for everyone! My roller skates have been collecting dust for two years (shame on me!), but my friend Julia encouraged me to spend our holiday skating. Well... 12 kilometers trip - not bad! I have almost forgotten how cool it is!

Julia against the Moscow City - newest business center. I don`t like it - I think it spoils the view - Moscow is not New York, there are no blue glass skyscrapers. But I like watching it near!

Moscow City

Changing shoes to come down the steep path

Me and parliament building

little sister

This year my cousin graduated from school! I`m so proud of her! She got gold medal - it means that she has only A marks in her diploma. Anya is going to study in UCLA, it is very cool, but I will miss her very much!

Lets consider I felt good while taking this photo XD

I loved their school leaving certificates` handing much more than mine: it was so warm-hearted! I even cried a little: did I graduate from school three years ago?

воскресенье, 29 июля 2012 г.

new friend

After my last exam parents decided to make a little surprise for me. Suddenly my phone stopped working. I called them a told that I don`t know what to do, it seemed that I need to change sim-card (and my Mom was out of town that weekend, so I had to stay without connection for 3 days)... But when I came home, it was waiting for me - new iPhone 4S! My parents just decided to block old cim-card to change it to mini without changing phone number. I was really glad, but that was a cruel joke!
My old phone broke long ago, and I used my Mom`s old one...really old. iPhone is just a fresh breath for me!

I found this spike case very long ago. Now I have what to wear it on!

You can follow me on instagram - littlecutemonkey! Also I started pinterest (link to the right).

through exams

Just a few snaps of how did my exams look like. Books, books, books and... cats. As always.

My tailed companion.

пятница, 27 июля 2012 г.


picture from downtown.ru

Not so long time ago I explored postcrossing.com. And I think It`s just great idea. Now it`s age of internet, and in Russia, despite USA, for example, we really do not use post anymore, when you can easily send all the neccesary information via Internet.
If you are not familiar with the consept, this service gives you a random adress of person anywhere around the world, and you send him or her a postcard. By the same way service gives some person your adress. And when you reseive a postcard, you register it.
It`s very funny and a little romantic, I think.
I`ve already registered here, and now just need to find some postcards at the city where nobody sends it!
I encourage you, guys, to do the same!

четверг, 19 июля 2012 г.

thank you, mood

My notebook long ago became not a simple thing for records. It`s my little, pocket moodboard. Here`s my inspiration, my mood, also there are lots of lists. I always forget something, so I trained myself to write down as lot as possible.
And what about you, guys, where do you store your inspiration?

вторник, 17 июля 2012 г.

new stuff

When one exam is finally over, but there are one (or even more) ahead, I still need some motivation to study futher, especially in summer when it is so hard to learn anything. And for me the best motivation is shopping, I always have looong shopping marathon when I`m over with exams, so in the middle of it I end up buying some accessorizes - just something small and cute. Funny things always make me very happy :)
Here are things I bought trough my exams:

Bag, Mango

Ring, Six

Earrings and brooch, Diva

Moustaches are my love! My Mom says I had to be born as a man XD. Who knows, who knows...

воскресенье, 15 июля 2012 г.

cheese for my pasta

My friend`s Katya birthday - in the middle of my exams, we spent this evening in very nice place, "Na lestnitse" ("На лестнице"). I fell in love with this cafe, because there`s a special place organized for dancing, with appropriate music it`s so nice!
After graduating from school I always wait for my friends` birthday cause there I meet people I see so rarely (shame on me). Love you, guys!



четверг, 12 июля 2012 г.

that was a carrot?!

One more great day with my family - we celebrated my grandmother`s birthday. Love spending time with my sisters, we always have so much fun! We visited nice restaraunt with terrace on the roof, hided from other people. Must have on sunny day!

Other cousin I haven`t introduced yet - Nastya! My little love :)

понедельник, 2 июля 2012 г.


19 May (this year) we celebrated Physicist`s Day - main holiday among all the physicists of our department.

I`m organizer of this wonderful holiday, so my job started few months before it.
As two earlier years, I were working in the group of artists: we make t-shirts, magnets, balloons and etc. with symbols of Physicist`s Day, posters and the main thing is facade. It is huuuge (81 sq. meters) piece of fabrics which is hung on the building of our department. This year we make a joke about the end of the year on the facade. It is a long process - first night we sew it, then colour it in another two or three nigts, because there are no space to do it at daytime.
There are lots of events happen at Physicist`s Day, and enormous amount of people, especially in the evening. As for me, I`ve organized game with our teachers - a traditional thing on Physicist`s Day. I made it for the first time...well not everything went clear, but I`m still proud of myself :)

Some photos from the day:

My game!

The worst thing being an organizer is that there are no photos with me:( This one is from auction - I won lovely bunny slippers. And this photo is lovely too :))

Crowds of people in here!

And how could I forget? I`m a Student of The Year! Receiving it on the third year of education is a rare thing, you know :)