I got this award from lovely Julia, many thanks to her!
*The Liebster Blog Award - это награда, которая дается блогером другому блогеру. Своего рода спасибо за проведенную работу в блоге. Ее дают для начинающих блогеров с менее чем 200 подписчиками.
Если вы получаете эту награду, вы должны написать 11 фактов о себе и ответить на 11 вопросов заданных блогером, который вас номинировал. Затем награду нужно передать другим блоггерам и задать им свои вопросы.*
*The Liebster Blog Award as an award given from one blogger to another one. The way to say thanks for your work at your blog. It is given for bloggers-beginners with less than 200 followers.
If you got this award, you should write 11 facts about yourself and answer 11 question from blogger who nominated you. Then you have to pass the award to another bloggers and ask them your questions.
11 facts about me:
1. I dance sinse I was four.
2. I have brown eyes.
3. I used to write poems when I was younger.
4. I have some kind of "special sence" - when I switch the channel during commercials I "feel" when they are going to end and when I have to switch it back to my TV-show. Very important.
5. I make lists of everything - from things I shouldn't forget to take to books I want to read.
6. I have problens with my spine.
7. I am a secret Disney channel fan. Love their TV-shows!
8. When I was a child, I was horrified with the computer game "Mist" my Dad tried to play with me.
9. I'm totally afraid of dogs. If I meet a homeless dog I can change my direction and go another way.
10. My favourite movie is "Main Hoon Na" (it's Indian :).
11. I've cried after reading "Gone With The Wind".
11 questions for me:
1. Your hobby? - Dancing, reading, drawing.
2. It is believed that you have to try everything in your life. Are there any things you'll never try? - Drugs, murder, betrayal.
3. What body side do you sleep on usually? - Right one.
4. What childhood dreamd you made true? - I'm not sure I had a lot...seems like not a single one.
5. What is the most important thing in life for you? - Always be a human-being, means not to do bad things for people, have compassion, kindness, love.
6. Which present was the best, the most important one in your life? - I guess it was a ticket to 30 Seconds To Mars show.
7. A book, a song, a movie everyone should know? - "Gone With The Wind", Secrets - One Republic, "Titanik".
8. How can you describe your study achievements? - Considering my university study, I guess it's pen-spinning. It tooke me about two months to learn!
9. Which country inspires you the most? - India.
10. What clothes you prefer to wear? - Simple, comfortable but elegant.
11. Do you have any pets? What is your favourite pet? - I love cats and I have two!
I give the award to naningoo - I barely understand a word from her blog, but love it!
11 questions from me:
1. What was the best day of your life?
2. Have you ever coloured your hair?
3. Why did you start a blog?
4. What was your "dream job" when you were a child?
5. What is your favourite TV-show?
6. Have you ever met someone famous?
7. Describe your perfect dress for Oscar ceremony?
8. Had a person you do not know ever done something special to you?
9. What is your favourite drink?
10. Do you believe in true love?
11. Where do you want to be right now?
Thanks again Julia for the award, it's a nice idea!
*The Liebster Blog Award - это награда, которая дается блогером другому блогеру. Своего рода спасибо за проведенную работу в блоге. Ее дают для начинающих блогеров с менее чем 200 подписчиками.
Если вы получаете эту награду, вы должны написать 11 фактов о себе и ответить на 11 вопросов заданных блогером, который вас номинировал. Затем награду нужно передать другим блоггерам и задать им свои вопросы.*
*The Liebster Blog Award as an award given from one blogger to another one. The way to say thanks for your work at your blog. It is given for bloggers-beginners with less than 200 followers.
If you got this award, you should write 11 facts about yourself and answer 11 question from blogger who nominated you. Then you have to pass the award to another bloggers and ask them your questions.

11 facts about me:
1. I dance sinse I was four.
2. I have brown eyes.
3. I used to write poems when I was younger.
4. I have some kind of "special sence" - when I switch the channel during commercials I "feel" when they are going to end and when I have to switch it back to my TV-show. Very important.
5. I make lists of everything - from things I shouldn't forget to take to books I want to read.
6. I have problens with my spine.
7. I am a secret Disney channel fan. Love their TV-shows!
8. When I was a child, I was horrified with the computer game "Mist" my Dad tried to play with me.
9. I'm totally afraid of dogs. If I meet a homeless dog I can change my direction and go another way.
10. My favourite movie is "Main Hoon Na" (it's Indian :).
11. I've cried after reading "Gone With The Wind".
11 questions for me:
1. Your hobby? - Dancing, reading, drawing.
2. It is believed that you have to try everything in your life. Are there any things you'll never try? - Drugs, murder, betrayal.
3. What body side do you sleep on usually? - Right one.
4. What childhood dreamd you made true? - I'm not sure I had a lot...seems like not a single one.
5. What is the most important thing in life for you? - Always be a human-being, means not to do bad things for people, have compassion, kindness, love.
6. Which present was the best, the most important one in your life? - I guess it was a ticket to 30 Seconds To Mars show.
7. A book, a song, a movie everyone should know? - "Gone With The Wind", Secrets - One Republic, "Titanik".
8. How can you describe your study achievements? - Considering my university study, I guess it's pen-spinning. It tooke me about two months to learn!
9. Which country inspires you the most? - India.
10. What clothes you prefer to wear? - Simple, comfortable but elegant.
11. Do you have any pets? What is your favourite pet? - I love cats and I have two!
I give the award to naningoo - I barely understand a word from her blog, but love it!
11 questions from me:
1. What was the best day of your life?
2. Have you ever coloured your hair?
3. Why did you start a blog?
4. What was your "dream job" when you were a child?
5. What is your favourite TV-show?
6. Have you ever met someone famous?
7. Describe your perfect dress for Oscar ceremony?
8. Had a person you do not know ever done something special to you?
9. What is your favourite drink?
10. Do you believe in true love?
11. Where do you want to be right now?
Thanks again Julia for the award, it's a nice idea!
Мне очень понравились твои факты о тебе!
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