I got a gift sertificate to Ecco shop some time ago and decided to check their web-site before actually going shopping. And I'd like to show you my choice today.
If you are not familiar with Ecco, it's a Denmark shoe brand with more than 50 years history. I've always had mixed feeling about Ecco shoes. From one side, it's always hard for me to choose something because of style, which is not my cup of tea. It's really strange for me that they have "granny style" shoes, although targeting themselves as a brand for young&active people.
But let's face it. Ecco shoes are the most comfortable shoes I've ever had. I have flat-feet, so it's really important for me, when it comes to shoes, if special insoles will fit inside. But Ecco shoes are designed considering your feet's anatomy, and I don't have to use anything special at all. Also, these shoes are REALLY long-living, my sneakers survived literally everything I've put them through :)

As soon as I get to Ecco, I'll show you what I will buy! What aboyt you guys? Are you familiar with Ecco brand? Do you have anything fancy from it?
If you are not familiar with Ecco, it's a Denmark shoe brand with more than 50 years history. I've always had mixed feeling about Ecco shoes. From one side, it's always hard for me to choose something because of style, which is not my cup of tea. It's really strange for me that they have "granny style" shoes, although targeting themselves as a brand for young&active people.
But let's face it. Ecco shoes are the most comfortable shoes I've ever had. I have flat-feet, so it's really important for me, when it comes to shoes, if special insoles will fit inside. But Ecco shoes are designed considering your feet's anatomy, and I don't have to use anything special at all. Also, these shoes are REALLY long-living, my sneakers survived literally everything I've put them through :)
Я больше всего люблю что-то с каблучком или балетки!
ОтветитьУдалитьда я тоже, абсолютно не знаю, что же мне посмотреть там :)
УдалитьУ меня как-то не складывается с Экко) Мокасины милые)
gvozdishe on Facebook
Да, мне кажется у меня тоже. Но есть сертификат, грех его не потратить :))
УдалитьNice! Ecco shoes are so comfy, i have a pair of flats and sneaks for work :) xx
Oh yes, they are!)
Удалитьlooks like a great brand!
ОтветитьУдалитьLA By Diana Live Magazine
I've talked about pros and cons, but in general yes :)
Удалитьthanks! yeah, sure!)