Helloo people! I'm back from Spain! We had a wonderful time, I got some nice tan there and a lot of good memories. Thank you for not forgetting about me and visiting my blog when I were out of internet. I'll tell you all about that trip later, because being a very responsible blogger I still didn't post photos from my trip to Germany which I had in July. I really have no idea why my posts wait for month or so when a line will come to them, and I'll try to be quicker so you get fresh information :)
Let's clarify my trip: the best friend of mine, Ira was studying at Augsburg University for the whole spring cemester, so when I were done with my exams I made a visa and went there for ten days to spend somу time with her. If you wonder what Augsburg is, it is medium-size city in Bavaria, 40 minutes away from Munich (which is the capital of Bavaria, by the way). I stayed in her dorm, we had some nice trips to Munich, Dachau and Nuernberg (which I will show later). This post and next one will be about Augsburg itself, which appeared to be a very nice town.
Наконец-то! Фотографии из моей поездки в Германию, которая была в июле. Знаю, что мои посты конкретно задерживаются, но по-другому почему-то сделать не получается, постараюсь быть шустрее. Моя лучшая подруга Ира поехала на целый семестр учиться в Университет Аугсбурга, и как только мои экзамены закончились, я получила визу и поехала ее навестить. Аугсбург - небольшой город в Баварии, всего в сорока минутах езды от Мюнхена. В Германии я провела десять дней, за это время мы успели съездить в Мюнхен, Нюрнберг и Дахау (обо всем позднее). Этот и следующий посты будут собственно об Аугсбурге, о моих от него впечатлениях и о том времени что я там провела.

Rathaus or something like that.

Having a walk arounf the city on my first day we bumped into a crowd of school children who were waiting on the street because the local star (no idea who she is) had shopping there. When she came out they started screaming and running, crazy!

Selfie. By the way, my new (on that moment) Ecco shoes, top and necklace from Reserved.

A must-have Germany lunch.

At the Augsburg University - nice and beautiful place!

A pond they have there, can you believe that? So beautiful!

And the strange horse statue, haha.

Sitting at Ulrichplatz having nice smoothie and iced tea at PowWow.

There's a nice park (or garden) where you can relax on a hot day.
Next part coming tomorrow, come and take a look! And please write your opinion wherever you like travel-posts or not!