Next on our agenda is some summer sales discoveries. I feel quite weird when in November I write a post with July photos. But I've never been a very responsible blogger (unfortunately) so I hope you can forgive me, especially when all the stuff is so cute :)

One-sleeved lavender dress with ruffled up, Kira Plastinina. Sorry, I don't have a proper picture of it full long, but it is just straight and quite short.

I've also bought a belt to make it greek-style (maybe I have a photo, if so I'll post it asap!), Kira Plastinina.

One more piece of clothing from Kira Plastinina, this silky colorful top. When I bought it I were much more sure about how I'll wear it...but now it's a rare guest in my outfits. If you have any ideas how to combine it with other clothes, you are warmly welcome to share them!

Espadrillas from Keddo - true love! Soft, light and striped! Can you ask for more?

Just before going to Spain I've decided to look for a new cosmetic bag... and bought three. Got a little bit overwhelmed... but I really found use for all of it and it were really cheap, so I don't blame myself. I needed a cosmetic bag - and fullfilled my need three times, haha :)
One-sleeved lavender dress with ruffled up, Kira Plastinina. Sorry, I don't have a proper picture of it full long, but it is just straight and quite short.
I've also bought a belt to make it greek-style (maybe I have a photo, if so I'll post it asap!), Kira Plastinina.
One more piece of clothing from Kira Plastinina, this silky colorful top. When I bought it I were much more sure about how I'll wear it...but now it's a rare guest in my outfits. If you have any ideas how to combine it with other clothes, you are warmly welcome to share them!
Espadrillas from Keddo - true love! Soft, light and striped! Can you ask for more?
Just before going to Spain I've decided to look for a new cosmetic bag... and bought three. Got a little bit overwhelmed... but I really found use for all of it and it were really cheap, so I don't blame myself. I needed a cosmetic bag - and fullfilled my need three times, haha :)
Nice dresses :)
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УдалитьThanks a lot)
ОтветитьУдалитьlove the floral dress, gorgeous print! You have a lovely blog, maybe we can follow each other?! Following you now with Bloglovin :)
ОтветитьУдалитьThanks a lot, I would love to follow you too!