As far as I am now done with my "spain-trip-posts", I can proceed with all the other stuff which was waiting to be posted.
Pretty sure you are now tired of sea, sightseeing and shopping, so I would like to talk about cooking. I am really bad at this, I like to make sweet things, like cakes, muffins and etc., but everything else turned out to be a disaster. As soon as I began living on my own, in a dorm, things changed to a slightly positive side - wherever you want to cook or not, you have to eat, so there weren't much choice and slowly I began to cook more "serious" stuff.
But all-time problem about dorm kitchens is that they are disgusting. It is just impossible to cook normally there, so when I study I prefer to make simple stuff like salads or to cook what I can do in my slo-cooker which I got as a birthday present.
So the thing is, when I get home, to Dubna, to our wonderful kitchen, it gives me endless amount of inspiration to cook. I made some really good progress in healthy cooking recently! I will just show you things I am particularly proud of, and if you want any recipes, just let me know!

Vegetable chicken soup.

Baked common sole with vegetables.

Baked salmon with herbs and lemon with asparagus. Baked asparagus is my all-time favourite!
Pretty sure you are now tired of sea, sightseeing and shopping, so I would like to talk about cooking. I am really bad at this, I like to make sweet things, like cakes, muffins and etc., but everything else turned out to be a disaster. As soon as I began living on my own, in a dorm, things changed to a slightly positive side - wherever you want to cook or not, you have to eat, so there weren't much choice and slowly I began to cook more "serious" stuff.
But all-time problem about dorm kitchens is that they are disgusting. It is just impossible to cook normally there, so when I study I prefer to make simple stuff like salads or to cook what I can do in my slo-cooker which I got as a birthday present.
So the thing is, when I get home, to Dubna, to our wonderful kitchen, it gives me endless amount of inspiration to cook. I made some really good progress in healthy cooking recently! I will just show you things I am particularly proud of, and if you want any recipes, just let me know!
Vegetable chicken soup.
Baked common sole with vegetables.
Baked salmon with herbs and lemon with asparagus. Baked asparagus is my all-time favourite!
Hey there, completely IN-LOVE with your blog, just followed you on GFC (47), would love if you follow back :)
Thank you SO SO MUCH!)
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