вторник, 4 февраля 2014 г.

that large shopping spree - accessorizes

Peeewf, the last post about my shopping - accessories! You all are probably tired of it, and I promise to have some more interesting posts next on my blog.

Earrings and bracelet, Diva.

Bun donuts, Accessorize.

Bag, Victoria's Secret. This was a present there when I bought two kilogramms of body cremes, shower gels and etc., haha :)

Ring, Diva

Necklace, Centro.

Ring and collar necklace, Kira Plastinina.

Sunglasses, Reserved. This is what you urgently need in the middle of winter, yeah...

Necklace, H&M.

Rings, Diva and H&M.

Earrings, Diva. You can probably tell I like Diva when it comes to accessoriez - yes, I do. Although the quality of metals isn't great, it quite often color your skin green and just gets old quickly, so I tend to buy things there only on sales.

Bracelets, H&M and Diva.

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