Lately I bought some jewellery which I want to show you today (I'm a jewellery fan, as I've mentioned ten times before :)) I didn't buy it at one "spot check", I guess it's a sum up for a month or so...

Leaf necklace, Lady Collection

Necklace, Kira Plastinina. I think it is just adorable!

Rings, center one Kira Plastinina, left and right CentrObuv. Never thought I'll find anything worthy at CentrObuv, but these rings are beautiful, and each costs 30 rubles (less than one euro!), and bunny ring is just adorable, isn't it? :)

Earrings, CentrObuv, again, 30 rubles!

Necklace, Accessorize. It has a butterfly, an acorn, a squirrel...everything a good necklace has to has!

Fox ring, Diva.

New charm for my Pandora bracelet.
Pssst! Don't forget to enter the giveway! It will last till the next Sunday! Get your chance!!!
Leaf necklace, Lady Collection
Necklace, Kira Plastinina. I think it is just adorable!
Rings, center one Kira Plastinina, left and right CentrObuv. Never thought I'll find anything worthy at CentrObuv, but these rings are beautiful, and each costs 30 rubles (less than one euro!), and bunny ring is just adorable, isn't it? :)
Earrings, CentrObuv, again, 30 rubles!
Necklace, Accessorize. It has a butterfly, an acorn, a squirrel...everything a good necklace has to has!
Fox ring, Diva.
New charm for my Pandora bracelet.
Хорошие покупки,ты наверное очень любишь такие маленькие вещи??
ОтветитьУдалитьСпасибо! Да, гораздо больше чем выбирать одежду или обувь... ничего не нужно примерять, да и денег на это тратиться явно меньше :) единственное что с этим сравнится - это моя страсть к канцелярским товарам :)))
УдалитьSo many awesome jewelry!!!!!
Join STAPIQ and share your awesome looks!
Thank you!
УдалитьYeah, I've registered and I'll try to upload something asap! I'll show it in my blog for sure!)
the necklace is so pretty! Xx
Все украшения отличные! хороший выбор:)
Розыгрыш в моем блоге! Giveaway in my blog!
3 свитера в подарок:)
Большое спасибо :))
УдалитьThose necklaces are gorgeous
Oh, thank you! Which one do you like more?)
УдалитьThat first necklace and the fox ring! Absolutely adorable, both of them! Great haul!
ОтветитьУдалитьThanks! I've joined giveaway on your blog!))
УдалитьThose pieces are gorgeous, especially the first necklace and the pandora charm!
thank youuu))
УдалитьSo beautiful!
ОтветитьУдалитьHave a great week,
Share your awesome looks on
thanks, you too!)
УдалитьSuch cute jewelry pieces! Let me know if you want to follow each other! Hope you can stop by sometime!
ОтветитьУдалитьxx, Shirley
Hey, thanks! Yeah, I would like to!)
УдалитьI love the first necklace! I don't usually wear much accessories, but I am changing that up :)
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you, thats a wise idea! Accessories do their job!
УдалитьLots of awesome jewelry!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьlets follow each other,
thank you!! of course, sure!)