As much as I love online-shopping, I am also scared of trying new things in this area. I've been loving Asos for ages, but never were brave enough to order something there. Because of the delivery from quite a far away destination and payment via credit card. But finally I've managed to make an order! Just a few small pieces to check out how does it work for Russia - and it works great! My first order came in a month and a half and the second one (will be shown soon!) just in a few weeks! Now I crossed my barrier and guess will be ordering lots and lots stuff over there... now my next goal is eBay and Etsy. To be honest eBay literally scares me... =)

Beanie - Brave Soul - here // Extra WOW Mascara - Rimmel London - here // Necklace - ASOS - here

The most adorable necklace ever! :)
Beanie - Brave Soul - here // Extra WOW Mascara - Rimmel London - here // Necklace - ASOS - here
The most adorable necklace ever! :)
Красивый кулон, буду рада увидеть на тебе его)
УдалитьCongratulations with your ordering on ASOS c:
ОтветитьУдалитьI love ASOS since they cope with free shipping!
The necklace is very cute! Xx
Yeah, love ASOS!)
УдалитьSo beautiful necklace <333