This is a second time I was helping at Russian Dance Festival held by where my dance teacher works. It is always a hard day for everyone, when you literally don't sit down for eight hours in a row, but super-inspiring, you rarely see so many talented dancers at once! This year my duty were rehearsals before the festival itself (which were lots of shouting, I almost broke my voice) and than afterwards I controlled teams coming to stage.
I like being part of Project818 crew, can't be happy enough that I've chosen that dance teacher two and a half years ago and decided to attend dance-workshops. Now I am looking forward to Russian Dance Championship 2014 which will be fifty times crazier!

Balta Monkiki appeared to be my fav among all the judges, he is so nice! Although Talia Favia is very funny and simple as well.

Try ro spot me, haha

I also found a few pics of... my back :)

One of my favourite teams, as usual, Girls Community - super sexy and incredible dancers! Join their team is probsbly one of my wildest dreams.

Girls came to calm me down, ruling the rehearsals is quite nervous job!

GTG Art Guru were mignons, so cute!
I like being part of Project818 crew, can't be happy enough that I've chosen that dance teacher two and a half years ago and decided to attend dance-workshops. Now I am looking forward to Russian Dance Championship 2014 which will be fifty times crazier!
Balta Monkiki appeared to be my fav among all the judges, he is so nice! Although Talia Favia is very funny and simple as well.
Try ro spot me, haha
I also found a few pics of... my back :)
One of my favourite teams, as usual, Girls Community - super sexy and incredible dancers! Join their team is probsbly one of my wildest dreams.
Girls came to calm me down, ruling the rehearsals is quite nervous job!
GTG Art Guru were mignons, so cute!
Very interesting, I'll love to dance, but not always health allows. A video no chance??? I would like very much to see)
ОтветитьУдалитьВсе видео есть на их youtube-канале)
It looks like it was a great event, I love dancing so I'd have love to go. Amazing pictures!
Yeah, I get lots of inspiration there!)
УдалитьOh it looks like a lot of fun! How sweet are those minion costumes? :D
They were amazing =))
УдалитьHow cool is that? You are working at a dance festival?!
ОтветитьУдалитьReally cool!
Well, I'd say I help there cause they don't pay me, but in general, yes!)