I find it extremely useful to listen to other bloggers' advices - you can never try that much products by yourself to make your own opinion, but there are people who make it for you (and have lots of fun, actually). We are all a society here, where good experience can be shared, so I would like to introduce you my all-time favorite feet cream which became a true rescue for me.

It is Peppermint Intensive Foot Rescue by The Body Shop. This is my second pot so far, and I rarely by products twice or more times, because I like to try different things, so I really loved this cream enough to by another one.

It works exactly how I want a perfect feet cream to work - super-moisturizing and caring, it totally saves my feet, especially in winter when they tend to be dry, but also in summer when open shoes damage your skin much more.

On The Body Shop's website it costs 9 pounds, which I'd say too much for a feet cream, but one pot lasted me for about half a year, so it won't be too bad for your finances to by it once in six months, and it is just so good - worth every penny.
If you have your favorites at the moment, let me know in the comments! I think I will make such posts regularly - different advices, stuff I like at the moment - books, make-up, places and etc. Would you like some more advices?
Also, if you want to know more about Peppermint Intensive Foot Rescue, you can visit The Body Shop website.
It is Peppermint Intensive Foot Rescue by The Body Shop. This is my second pot so far, and I rarely by products twice or more times, because I like to try different things, so I really loved this cream enough to by another one.
It works exactly how I want a perfect feet cream to work - super-moisturizing and caring, it totally saves my feet, especially in winter when they tend to be dry, but also in summer when open shoes damage your skin much more.
On The Body Shop's website it costs 9 pounds, which I'd say too much for a feet cream, but one pot lasted me for about half a year, so it won't be too bad for your finances to by it once in six months, and it is just so good - worth every penny.
If you have your favorites at the moment, let me know in the comments! I think I will make such posts regularly - different advices, stuff I like at the moment - books, make-up, places and etc. Would you like some more advices?
Also, if you want to know more about Peppermint Intensive Foot Rescue, you can visit The Body Shop website.
Thanks for the informative information on your foot cream, I almost all cosmetics zakazvayu through magazines)
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Удалитьnice post :) great blog:)
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Thanks a lot!))
УдалитьFollowing back ;)
УдалитьI didn't realise that body shop done blue packaging, not in the UK anyways!
ОтветитьУдалитьI'll definitely have to check it out!
Make sure to check out my blog:
No idea about their packaging style :))
Удалитьnice nice!
УдалитьI always love the Body shop products, especially their lip balms! I would love to try the foot cream as well! :)
Yeah, their lipbalms are awesome!
УдалитьThank you)
ОтветитьУдалитьThanks a lot!